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How To Prepare For A Loved One's Death

Updated: Oct 23, 2024

There are plenty of articles and blogs about how to deal with the loss of a loved one, but less is written about the time before this. If you have a dying loved one who only has a limited amount of time left, it can be extremely hard to go about your everyday life, and even harder to know how to say goodbye.

Callum Robertson Funeral Directors understands how tough these times are, so we have put together this guide on how to prepare for a loved one’s death both practically and emotionally.

Say Everything You Need To Say

People often regret that they were never able to tell their loved ones something before they passed. Take this time to ensure all your thoughts and feelings are expressed, as this might bring them comfort before they go.

Inform Others Of Their Condition

Let everyone relevant know about their condition, such as family, friends and other loved ones. This will allow everyone who knows them to be given the chance to come and say goodbye. This should include children, as they should be given equal opportunity to say goodbye. If people live far away, try to keep them posted as much as possible through text, email, telephone or social media.

Allow Yourself Space For Pre-Mourning

There is no set way to mourn, with everybody going through their own process. Pre-mourning is the process of grieving before your loved one passes. Many try to just get on with life as normal and suppress their emotions in the time leading up to the death, but it is important to allow yourself time to grieve.

Make Funeral Arrangements

While the death of your loved one is not nice to think about, arrangements will have to be made for the funeral. After they die is an incredibly emotional time, so pre-planning some aspects of their funeral before they pass is recommended so you’re in a slightly better state of mind.

If your loved one is still coherent, they can even help you plan the funeral if they wish, ensuring everybody can mourn and say goodbye to them in a way they approve of and will make them happy.

Funeral Directors In Kirkcaldy, Leslie & Dunfermline

If you need to make funeral arrangements for a loved one before or after their passing, Callum Robertson Funeral Directors are here to help the process as easy and stress-free as possible. We can help you transform your ideas or the ideas of your loved one into a funeral they would be proud of, helping with choices such as coffins, memorials, transport, urns and more.

We’ll treat your funeral arrangements with the same care and dedication as we extend to all of your customers, aiming to help take all considerations into account to create a service that does justice to your loved one.

If you would like to find out more about our services, contact our Leslie, Kirkcaldy or Dunfermline branches today.


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